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How to get to Capella Singapore?

Address: 1 The Knolls, Sentosa Island, 098297

Nearest MRT Station: HarbourFront MRT station

Nearest Sentosa Monorail Station: Imbiah Station

You may take ride-hailing services such as Comfort Taxi/ Grab/Gojek/Ryde to 1 The Knolls, Sentosa Island, 098297.


How to get to Rumours Beach Club?

Address: 40 Siloso Bch Walk, Sentosa, 098996

Nearest Sentosa Monorail Station: Beach Station


If you have any questions regarding the event, please drop us a message below.

20 Collyer Quay #14-01 Singapore 049319

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As an affiliate firm of New York-based Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP ("OR Law"), Ortoli Rosenstadt Ye Pte. Ltd. (“ORY Singapore”) operates as the flagship office for OR Law in Asia. Leveraging its strategic location and with a focus on US capital markets, ORY Singapore was established to serve the needs of emerging growth companies throughout Asia. Fully registered with Singapore’s Ministry of Law, ORY Singapore offers specialized legal expertise for Asia-based companies looking to engage in cross-border activities globally. ORY positions itself as a bridge connecting the East and the West, while being a trusted legal advisor to those businesses with international ambition.

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