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Join us for two immersive days as we explore the dynamicand ever-evolving capital markets landscape.

On Day 1, we will delve into key market drivers, featuring discussions on sustainable investing, regulatory strategies, fintech innovations, and global trends. Day 2 will transition to an exclusive networking event.

8:00 AM


9:00 AM

Registration & Networking

9:15 AM

Opening Remarks by William S. Rosenstadt, Founder and Managing Partner of Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP

9:35 AM


9:45 AM

Welcoming Remarks: Greeting from Nasdaq Stock Market

(Bob McCooey, Vice Chairman)

9:50 AM


10:20 AM

Exclusive Dialogue with Nasdaq by Jason Ye (Managing Partner of Ortoli Rosenstadt Ye Pte Ltd) and Hiren Krishnani (IPO Director of Nasdaq Stock Market)

10:25 AM


11:15 AM

Panel 1 - “Journey to the West” : Insights from C-Suite on US IPO Experience.


Session Topics:


Navigating Regulatory Environments:

  • Challenges and Solutions: Discuss the specific regulatory hurdles encountered when preparing for a US IPO and how these were addressed.


Market Perception and Investor Relations:

  • Building Investor Confidence: What steps were taken to build credibility and trust with US investors?

  • Brand Positioning: How did your company position itself in the US market to attract investors?


​Operational Adjustments and Strategic Decisions:

  • Strategic Shifts: Were there any strategic business decisions made specifically to appeal to US investors or to fit into the US market more effectively?

  • Learning Curve: What were the major learning points during the IPO process? How did these experiences shape your approach to participating in global markets?


Post-IPO Performance and Growth:

  • Post-IPO Challenges: What are the key challenges faced by your company’s post-IPO in maintaining stock performance and meeting market expectations post-IPO?

  • Growth and Expansion: How has the US IPO facilitated your company’s growth and expansion plans?


11:20 AM


11:40 AM

Prophecy of the Machines: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Industry – Dr. Yilei Shao, Dean of Shanghai AI-Finance School, East China Normal University 

11:45 AM


12:35 PM

Panel 2 - When Are Companies Ripe to List in the U.S.


Session Topics:


Regulatory Compliance and Financial Reporting:

  • Legal and accounting requirements with respect to US, offshore and home country regulations


Legal and Structural Considerations:

  • Evaluate and possibly restructure the company’s legal entity to meet U.S. market standards.

  • Address issues related to cross-border tax implications, corporate governance, and shareholder rights.


Market Positioning and Investor Relations:

  • Develop a compelling equity story that highlights the company’s growth potential, competitive advantage, and market opportunity.

  • Build a strong investor relations team to communicate effectively with US investors and analysts.


Cultural and Operational Integration:

  • Prepare for cultural differences and operational changes that come with entering a global market.

  • Train senior management and key staff on U.S. business practices, investor expectations, and regulatory environments..


12:35 PM


1:00 PM

Networking & Buffet Lunch

1:00 PM


1:20 PM

Audit Preparation Workshop – Exclusively Presented by Kreit & Chiu CPA LLP; Networking & Lunch

1:30 PM


2:15 PM

Listing Ceremony of Rectitude Holdings Ltd.; Singapore’s No. 1 Lion and Dragon Dance Performance

2:20 PM


3:10 PM

Panel 3 - Global Center Stage: Decoding Singapore’s Strength in the World Economy


Session Topics:


Strategic Location and Trade Hub: A Gateway to Asia

  • Singapore's strategic location at the crossroads of major shipping routes makes it an indispensable gateway for trade between Asia and the rest of the world.  What opportunities does Singapore currently present for companies in other parts of Asia?


Financial and Business Center: A Bridge for Capital Flows

  • Singapore is a premier global financial center (currently ranked in the top three by many of the financial world’s most respected financial platforms), offering a robust regulatory framework, political stability, and a business-friendly environment. Where is the City-State heading under the new leadership?


Innovation and Technology Hub: Driving Regional Growth

  • Singapore has emerged as a leading innovation and technology hub in Asia, with substantial investments in research and development, education, and infrastructure. The focus on innovation not only enhances Singapore's competitiveness but also attracts global talent and investments. Why is it only being discovered now and what can we expect in the next five to ten years?


Regional and Global Diplomacy: Facilitating Economic Cooperation

  • As an active member of organizations like ASEAN, WTO, and APAC, Singapore advocates for free trade and economic cooperation. Its strong bilateral ties with major economies, including the US, China, and the European Union, foster a stable and predictable environment for trade and investment. What role will Singapore play in regional and global diplomacy?

3:15 PM


3:30 PM

Coffee Break

3:35 PM


4:05 PM

Poolside Chat with EF Hutton LLC: Maximizing the Value of Public Company Status

4:10 PM


5:00 PM

Panel 4 - Competition or Collaboration: Financial Institutions’ view on Singapore and Hong Kong


Session Topics:


Regulatory Environment and Business Climate

  • How do financial institutions view the regulatory frameworks in Singapore and Hong Kong?

  • Can the distinct regulatory approaches foster collaboration, or do they intensify competition?


Market Opportunities and Growth Potential

  • What are the comparative advantages and growth opportunities that financial institutions see in Singapore and Hong Kong?

  • Are there opportunities for collaboration to tap into regional markets, such as Southeast Asia for Singapore and Greater China for Hong Kong?


Technological Innovation and FinTech Ecosystems

  • How do Singapore and Hong Kong compare in terms of fostering technological innovation and developing FinTech ecosystems?

  • Can collaborative efforts in technology and innovation create a synergistic effect benefiting both financial hubs?


Geopolitical and Economic Factors

  • How do geopolitical factors, such as trade tensions and regional stability, affect financial institutions' strategies in Singapore and Hong Kong?

  • Are there scenarios where collaboration between the two cities can mitigate risks associated with geopolitical uncertainties?


5:00 PM


7:00 PM

Cocktail Event - Presented by Edgar Agents LLC

Our E-booklet is launching soon!

Find all event details in our E-booklet – from topics and speakers to biographies and more!


As an affiliate firm of New York-based Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP ("OR Law"), Ortoli Rosenstadt Ye Pte. Ltd. (“ORY Singapore”) operates as the flagship office for OR Law in Asia. Leveraging its strategic location and with a focus on US capital markets, ORY Singapore was established to serve the needs of emerging growth companies throughout Asia. Fully registered with Singapore’s Ministry of Law, ORY Singapore offers specialized legal expertise for Asia-based companies looking to engage in cross-border activities globally. ORY positions itself as a bridge connecting the East and the West, while being a trusted legal advisor to those businesses with international ambition.

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